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Training & Development
The heart of any organization is the people. Developing each level of employee within your organization ultimately leads to solid retention numbers. Having long term, high quality team members impact the bottom line in every area including quality, service, sales, and overall performance. Unfortunately, the industry of training has made it unaffordable for most small to medium size businesses to participate and even if you are able to afford the training, many are not customizable to your organization’s unique needs, challenges, and goals.
Our passion lies in helping companies achieve their strategic goals associated with their most important resource – their TEAM. Below are the Key Training Areas that we have identified through more than 20 years of experience of training in the service industry. In addition to custom training courses, our team can also provide certifications through award winning training programs such as Franklin Covey and Ken Blanchard or other resources that you may have found to be beneficial.

Quality Control & Procedures
We work with you to highlight best practices and document those processes per your direction. We will create and find ways to help implement proper procedures for your team as well as any affiliates that also serve your customer base. Documentation could include Team Member Handbooks, Training Manuals, Job Descriptions, Performance Review Forms, & Performance Improvement Plans.

Service Training
Exceptional service sets one company apart from another. Our training includes executive team to front line team members. Service starts “inside out” and begins with core principles of identifying the customer (internal & external) and their specific needs. We help your team focus on every aspect from learning how important it is to use a customer’s name to problem resolution.

Onboarding & Orientation
The first day is a critical first impression for you and your new team member – it gives them a chance to embrace the passion and core values of your company. The ultimate goal would be that the new team member – as well as you – feel that everyone made a good decision on that person joining the team. Their first day sets the tone for the remainder of their career with your company.
Allow us to provide a unique onboarding & orientation experience for newly hired hourly and salary team members as well as internal promotions. Our perspective allows us to look in from the outside to capture the most attractive aspects of your business and highlight your company history, mission, vision, and/or values.
We focus on generational differences and, for example, of how a Boomer will connect with your company differently than a Gen-Xer.
How can we help your new team member walk away after their first day proud of where they work?

Leadership Training
The number one reason that team members leave is because of their boss. Our specialty is in teaching and providing tools and resources to leaders to be effective and successful in their position.
The highest performing team members are easy to identify and it is very natural to want to see them take the next step in their career within your organization. Allow us to work with you in creating a plan to take your most promising leaders and help create a 6 month, 12 month, or 24 month training plan with specific milestones and goals to be achieved.
We can also provide Train The Trainer courses for any of the above topics for larger teams that may be interested in hosting their own service or quality training sessions.
In addition to creating industry or company specific leadership training, our team also holds certifications with companies such as Franklin Covey and Ken Blanchard to bring world renowned training to your door.

Retention & Engagement
Butler Consulting’s core business is in recruiting great talent but we can also help you review your hiring process so that your organization can compete with larger corporate companies to find and also keep great talent.
In order to retain the best of the best team members, we must know why other team members choose to leave. We can provide Exit Interviews in order to learn about areas that could be improved and boost retention rates long term.
We can create a Touchbase Program with your existing team to get an external view of the “pulse” of your new hires at predetermined intervals (6 months, 12 months, etc.). Working together, we can create metrics to measure success and increase the length of employment for new team members by addressing and resolving any minor issues before they turn into big and/or unreported problems.
Coaching is available for the leadership team when it comes to interviewing procedures and techniques. We can also review the hiring process and help to streamline processes so that you can effectively & efficiently identify and connect with great talent.
One of the major challenges of competing for talent as a small or medium size company is the promise of progression. We would like to work with you in finding ways to keep your team engaged with the perception of unlimited possibilities in promotion. We can help your team realize their potential and help to create plans that build on their natural talent & abilities and find ways to help maximize new and different areas of your business.

Performance & Coaching
Holding team members accountable for performance and being prepared as a leader to support these efforts is critically important. Most people WANT to know how to get better and improve and would like to know if and when they aren’t doing things the right way. We can provide the tools and techniques on how to be coach and give advice on incentives that may be a motivator to achieving top performance.

Sales Training
We can provide sales training for Sales Managers as well as every other member on the team in generating leads. We will also partner with you in creating effective incentive programs